Volunteer on the USS Orleck

We need your help by loaning some of your time and talent to a worthy cause.  Make a difference and help make this museum GIFT TO JACKSONVILLE a reality!

Why volunteer?

  • Obtain required Community Service Hours in a fun, non-strenuous environment
  • Network with business and community action people in Jacksonville
  • Make a positive difference in our community

For over a decade, our dedicated group of volunteers helped us overcome every challenge to get us where we are today. Now more than ever we need you, to donate your TIME and TALENT as we prepare the USS ORLECK to be the centerpiece of the Jacksonville Naval Museum.

Volunteer positions include:


  • Tour Guides (docents)

  • Ticketing, Greeters, Museum Open and Close Members

  • Gift shop Crew

  • Maintenance Support Team (MST)

  • Social Media / Web Content Management

  • Newsletter Manager(s)

  • Fundraising and Membership Fulfillment

  • Assistance with administrative work, minor data entry.

These opportunities will continue to grow over the next few years, and anyone interested can volunteer as much or as little they want. Right now, we are building a database of interested volunteers to begin filling needed positions.

If you want to join the crew and make a difference with a little bit of your TIME, TALENT or TREASURE, please use the contact form below:

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Where would you like to help out?

Your support makes a world of difference!

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