USS Orleck DD-886 Deck Logs

Please note: The following entries have been reproduced as accurately as possible from the actual deck logs of the USS ORLECK (DD-886). In order to create a more readable and comprehensive view, I have taken some liberties with both structure and punctuation. Many of the original entries contain the actual names, service numbers and rank & rate of personnel in service aboard. In order to protect personal privacy, and avoid embarrassment, I have fabricated the names of individuals involved in violations of standards of conduct. Other entries which are not related to disciplinary matters, will contain the factual information as in the original logs. Any errors in spelling, punctuation or format are mine alone.

Gary R. Peters

All deck logs are in Microsoft Excel format

In the event that your memory has deteriorated over the years, as mine has, or, if you were not involved with bridge operations, you may find the following definitions handy.


  • Ad: administration
  • AOL: absent over leave
  • ASW: Anti-Submarine Warfare
  • BCD: Bad Conduct Discharge
  • BuPers: Bureau of Personnel
  • Com: Commander
  • Des: destroyer
  • Div: division
  • OTC: Officer in Tactical Command
  • Pac: pacific
  • PAL: prisoner at large.
  • Pers: personnel
  • pgc: per the gyro compass
  • psc: per steering compass, the magnetic compass at the helm.
  • Ron: squadron
  • SOPA: Senior officer present afloat.
  • Sub: submarine
  • TAD: Temporary Additional Duty
  • T & pgc: True as per gyro-compass.
  • True: actual bearing from the gyro-compass.
  • Uncle: Local time
  • USNEV: Enlisted Volunteer, 18 years old when enlisted, served 1 year active duty, then sent to active reserve for 4 years or the inactive reserve for 6 years.
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