USS Orleck Berthing Nameplates

The Jacksonville Naval Ship Association is working on an exciting project to restore the berthing areas on the USS Orleck. The renovation of the berthing areas will enable youth overnight stays, which will provide a wonderful opportunity to Learn and Experience Nautical Science (LENS) and life on a nautical ship utilizing the curriculum – STEAM+H – Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math + History. We want you to be a part of this restoration project by honoring you or any family member (great gift idea for someone you know who served) in maintaining that legacy on the USS Orleck in the respective Berthing area or Stateroom.
We need the name, rate/rank/years of service (Example: John A. Doe, Ensign, 1977-1980) who will be honored on an inscribed brass name plate placed on a wooden plaque and hung in the respective Berthing area or Stateroom.
Also please indicate if you served on board the USS Orleck even if you do not know what berthing area you were assigned. This information will be collected at checkout.
Click the button below to get started:
Image is an illustrated approximation of the nameplate and the final result may vary.