We’re working to make improvements to our website! We understand when it comes to finding information on the web, it should be simple and up-to-date. That’s why we are making it easy for you to find the information you are looking for on our website. We also want to be sure we are sharing our vision for the project with you and it’s impact on our community.

The changes you can expect to see on our website:
Frequent Adams Update

There is a lot of hard work that goes on behind the scenes of the USS ADAMS Museum project. We want to share that information with you. Your engagement is directly related to the success of the project and we are here to keep you informed. Coming soon, we are providing periodic updates on our website regarding the project’s progress. Best yet, the information will be accessible directly from our homepage!

More Relevant Content

The USS ADAMS Museum is built on years of important naval history. Soon it will be an exciting part of the future of Downtown Jacksonville. We are sprucing up our website content to provide you with a better understanding of the history behind the project. You will also find information on the vision and what the ship will be for the future of Downtown Jacksonville.

Easy to Find Information

Our website currently has an overflow of information which we are breaking down to better suit your search. Look forward to more specific sub-pages with information on the topics you find most important. Expect to also find easier ways to get involved with easy to find icons located on the website’s homepage.

Please bear with us as we make these changes over the next couple of months. If there is information you would like to see on our website, please let us know. We value your opinion! Please email any suggestions or feedback to [email protected].

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