Over the years, William W. “Bill” Gay has been one of our largest supporters and benefactors. So, in thanks to his generosity, we have nominated him for the I Vote To Give “Good Guy” award. This contest is run by Mike Davidson Ford and Client Focused Media who want to recognize Jacksonville’s most charitable nonprofit supporter. The nominee with the MOST VOTES by July 3 will be named “Good Guy” or “Good Gal” and their nonprofit will receive $2,500 in cash and prizes.


PLEASE FORWARD this voting opportunity to everyone you know. We need all hands on deck to show our appreciation to Mr. Gay and win this contest!

BRING HOME THE ADAMS UPDATE. Recently, Jacksonville’s Downtown Investment Authority selected Shad Kahn’s (owner of the Jacksonville Jaguars) company, Iguana Investments to negotiate the sale and development of the Shipyards property in Downtown Jacksonville. The JAGS surprised everyone with the concept to place The USS ADAMS Museum in a prominent place in the final development.

Negotiations, environmental work, site development and construction of the Shipyard could take several years to complete. JHNSA is currently redesigning the first phase of the museum’s accessibility to accommodate being able to open to the public and yet be flexible enough to move the ship between different piers while the site is developed.  We remain on track to have the ship in Jacksonville in 2015 with the opening slated for Spring 2016. 

PARTNERING WITH THE ADAMS. Partnerships are key to building any organization or business within a community. Thank you to all of our supporters, who have partnered with us recently to make significant progress in achieving our goal to BRING HOME THE ADAMS!

Thank you to Marinus Storm, owner of the Butler Pointe Chick-fil-A, who partnered with us May 22 for USS ADAMS Museum Day at Chick-fil-A. This was a great opportunity to raise awareness and money by partnering with a local business. We look forward to doing more with the Butler Point Chick-fil-A in the future and other local businesses that would like to sponsor a USS ADAMS Museum Day.

Because of AARP’s love for veterans and veteran friendly organizations like ours, they included The USS ADAMS Museum in their Wall of Honor at Jacksonville’s Jazz Festival. Their Wall of Honor was very well received during the four day music festival and we could not be happier with the exposure for our cause.

DONATE TODAY FOR THE ADAMS! Within the last two weeks, we raised $10,000 on CrowdRise to BRING HOME THE ADAMS! NOW is the time to show your support by donating and encouraging others to donate, so we can bring the USS CHARLES F. ADAMS (DDG-2) back to Jacksonville. Currently, we have raised $32,013 of our $250,000 goal. Please visit our fundraising page at to DONATE TODAY! Thank you to the following for your donation:

       John Stobaugh Sam Hagen
       Lynn Stauffer Michael Anania
       Peter & Frances Wynkoop Jim Love
       BTC/BRC Dick Aquino Tom Dietzman
       CDR J.H. De Loach, USN (Ret.) Susan O’Neil Wernik
       Tim Marsh Empress Nero Claudius
       Mike Muth Momo Mizrahi

COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT. The USS ADAMS Museum will be at several community meetings throughout Jacksonville in June. If you would like The USS ADAMS Museum to come out and speak at your next business or community association event, please contact Joe Snowberger at [email protected].

June 10 – The International Business Association of Communicators invited us to come out to a special meeting to learn how our organization grew from a few passionate, prior USS CHARLES F. ADAMS (DDG-2) crew members to thousands of supporters around the world. We had a wonderful time talking to key business leaders within the city and sharing our story with them.

June 13 – The Mayport, Florida Council Navy League of the United States is hosted a Battle of Midway Remembrance Dinner at the Renaissance Resort at World of Golf Village. General John F. Kelly, Commander, U.S. Southern Command, was the keynote speaker and we had a booth set up at the event.

June 14 – In honor of Flag Day, the Navy Operational Support Command Jacksonville’s Chief Petty Officer Association hosted a Flag Retirement Ceremony with Boy Scout Troop 25 and Pack 25 on NAS Jacksonville. BUZZ magazine donationed to The USS ADAMS Museum and we talked to the crowd about progress being made to open Florida’s First Naval Warship Museum.

June 18 – We love the art community here in Jacksonville! Every month our volunteers will be at the North Beaches Art Walk to talk to the public about our project and collect donations. Please come out for a great night at the beach and stop by our booth to donate and say hi to our volunteers.

Thank you to all of our supporters for your partnerships, donations and dedication to The USS ADAMS Museum. We look forward to continuing our relationships with everyone over the next year as we work together to BRING HOME THE ADAMS! V/R – Commodore Joe.

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