As in any big project, things happens. In 2014, the JHNSA negotiated an agreement with the City of Jacksonville (COJ) to operate the USS ADAMS Museum for ten years (with additional options) at the Downtown Shipyards property. This agreement allowed the ADAMS to be moored alongside a pier at the historic Shipyards Property and allowed for the museum to operate without interfering with any future sale and/or development of the 40-plus acre Shipyards site.


Presently, as many of you are aware, Shad Khan’s company, Iguana Investments won the purchasing rights for the remaining portion of the Shipyards and is negotiating with the COJ for the sale and development of the property. Should the negotiations be successful, Iguana would become the new landlord for the USS ADAMS Museum.

(See the video, released by Iguana Investments that include The USS ADAMS Museum.)


In the interim of finalizing a basic agreement, the restoration of the pier has beed delayed, therefore delaying the towing of the ADAMS back home. We are in active communication with both parties and believe we’ll be able to “BRING HOME THE ADAMS!” in the Spring of 2016 with a Fall 2016 opening. During this period, we continue to further strengthen our financial footing by developing more business and community partnerships and sponsorships. I hope we will be talking with your family or company soon about how supporting the effort to “BRING HOME THE ADAMS!” can be a win-win-win!


We have many great events to raise money and support for the USS ADAMS Museum coming up in the next 60 days. Please pick out a few and “JOIN THE CREW” as a volunteer or participant to help “BRING HOME THE ADAMS!”

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